2014-07-31: 1.5.8
- Update: Unlicensed version allows upload with Lightroom 5.6
2014-06-18: 1.5.7
- Update: Unlicensed version allows upload with Lightroom 5.5
2014-04-08: 1.5.6
- Update: Unlicensed version allows upload with Lightroom 5.4
2013-12-14: 1.5.5
- Update: Minor changes
2013-11-12: 1.5.4
- Fix: Plug-in reports the system version correctly to the log file
2013-11-11: 1.5.3
- Update: Unlicensed version works with Lightroom 5.3
2013-09-18: 1.5.2
- Update: Unlicensed version works with Lightroom 5.2
2013-07-09: 1.5.1
- Update: Unlicensed version works with Lightroom 5
2013-06-14: 1.5.0
- Update: Licensed version works with Lightroom 5
- New: Plug-in can be updated directly from Lightroom with the new “Update” button in Lightrooms’s Plug-in Manager window
- New: Added a “Version History” button to link to the plug-in’s changelog from within the Update window
2013-03-24: 1.4.2
- Fix: Photos uploaded to Picasa Web can include characters such as “<” and “>”
2013-03-11: 1.4.1
- Fix: No longer crashes when there are no existing albums on the Picasa Web account
- Update: Free version now works with Lightroom 4.4 (the licensed version already worked with 4.4)
- Update: Renamed “Published Collections” to “Albums”
- Fix: Correct a silent failure on Macs
2013-01-05: 1.4.0
- Fix: Cannot rename default published collection if plug-in not licensed
- Update: Album no longer automatically opens in Web browser when publishing a collection
- Fix: Can create default published collection if plug-in not licensed
- Fix: Published Collections can be renamed
- Fix: Quota only displayed if account authenticated
2012-12-18: 1.3.2
- New: Quota displayed in Export/Publish window
2012-12-04: 1.3.1
- Update: Removed internet connection timeout to help with large uploads/slow internet connections
- Fix: A few minor UI fixes specific only to Macs
2012-11-22: 1.3.0
- Update: A few minor UI improvements in the Lightroom dialogs
2012-11-19: 1.2.9
- Update: Simplified buttons displayed for plug-in setup
- Update: Plug-in preferences now stored in a new prefs file
2012-11-11: 1.2.8
- New: Added button to save log file
- Update: Plug-in always writes to log (no longer optional)
- Update: Log now stored in App Data folder, not Documents folder
- Update: Free version now works with Lightroom 4.3 (the licensed version already worked with 4.3)
- New: Plug-in can now use Lightroom’s Publish Services
2012-10-17: 1.2.6
- New: Displaying the account name now also includes email address
2012-09-20: 1.2.4
- Fix: Switching output to log has immediate effect
2012-09-18: 1.2.3
- Fix: Entering a license key into the top of the Export dialog now processes the key correctly
2012-09-17: 1.2.2
- Update: Free version now works with Lightroom 4.2 (the licensed version already worked with 4.2)
2012-09-16: 1.2.1
- New: Option to use the last album that was uploaded to
2012-09-10: 1.2.0
- New: Videos can be uploaded
- Update: License checking more tolerant to pasting key from emails
2012-08-14: 1.1.9
- Fix: Allow updating of existing photos in the free version
2012-08-14: 1.1.8
- New: Keywords and locations are not exported when the Export dialog Metadata settings say they should not be
- Fix: Keywords and metadata with “&” characters are now exportable (previously gave a cryptic error)
2012-07-29: 1.1.7
- New: Added a confirmation dialog when entering a license key
2012-07-29: 1.1.6
- Fix: Improved first installation experience
2012-07-29: 1.1.5
- Fix: Picasa Web authentication check works again
2012-07-29: 1.1.4
- Fix: Minor fixes for running plug-in as a User Preset
2012-07-28: 1.1.3
- Fix: Allow plug-in to be run as a User Preset (this inadvertently broke in a previous version of the plug-in)
2012-07-20: 1.1.2
- Fix: Plug-in now works when installed in folders which contain modified Latin characters, e.g. “é” compared to “e”
2012-07-19: 1.1.1
- Update: Added buttons for purchasing a license to plug-in’s main section in the “Export…” dialog
2012-07-18: 1.1.0
- New: Plug-in is now licensed with some capabilities only available to those who have purchased a license
- Update: Simplified the “Export…” dialog by moving as many settings as possible to the Plugin Manager (and also the bottom of the “Export…” window)
2012-07-03: 1.0.15
- New: Plug-in checks once a week to see if there is a new version
2012-06-28: 1.0.14
- New: Photos for upload are checked that they are JPGs and less than 20MB
- Fix: Output log file size now limited again (20KB)
2012-06-23: 1.0.13
- New: (LR4.1) Map locations marked as private are not uploaded
2012-06-20: 1.0.12
- New: Added authentication status and buttons for Web site and Donate
2012-06-19: 1.0.11
- New: Title and Caption for a photo are combined and uploaded to Picasa Web
- Fix: Added additional error reporting
2012-06-06: 1.0.10
- Fix: Added additional error reporting
2012-06-05: 1.0.9
- New: GPS coordinates are uploaded to Picasa Web
- New: UI text now in a separate translation file. Allows for future translations
- New: Spelling is now American English. Consistent with Lightroom UI
2012-06-01: 1.0.8
- New: Photo Keywords are uploaded to Picasa Web as Tags
- New: Album selection dialog title displays plug-in version number and number of selected photos
- New: Improved on screen update messages during an upload
2012-05-28: 1.0.7
- New: Web Browser will open at the Picasa Web album when the upload has finished
- New: Default album in the selection drop down is now the last album that a photo was uploaded to. Makes it easier to upload photo changes to the same album
2012-05-02: 1.0.6
- Fix: Improved reporting if creating a new album fails or when photos cannot be exported to Picasa Web
2012-05-02: 1.0.5
- New: Added an option to output information to a log file to help identify the cause of any unexpected behaviour.
2012-05-01: 1.0.4
- Fix: Corrected an error that sometimes occurred when checking the results of a Web operation, e.g. when incorrectly entering the plug-in authentication code from Google.
2012-04-18: 1.0.3
- New: Photos can belong to multiple Picasa Web albums. Plug-in tracks the last 100 albums a photo was uploaded to
2012-04-17: 1.0.2
- New: Photos previously uploaded to Picasa Web can be updated. Uploading a photo to the same album for a second time updates the original photo rather than creating a duplicate
2012-04-10: 1.0.1
- Fix: Installation on Macs. Renamed Utilities.lua to NPPUtilities.lua and referenced files with correct capitalisation
- New: Album choice drop down list indicates you should create a new album if no existing Picasa Web albums were found in the account
- New: All Picasa Web albums are now shown in the album drop down list (except those auto-created by Google+, e.g. mobile phone uploads). Previously only public albums were displayed
2012-04-02: 1.0.0 (
- New: First version