
Sometimes problems do occur so please get in contact by adding a comment at the bottom of this page and I’ll do my best to try and help. Please remember to use a real email address when you post a comment so that I can get in contact if necessary (your email address will not be visible publicly).


Latest support news

11 Feb 2024 – Google Drive folder restrictions

Starting with version 5.9.6, the Photo Upload plug-in no longer lists Google Drive folders that it has not created itself, including shared folders and shared drives. All the upload capabilities still exist, but any folder that has not been created by the plug-in is not visible and cannot be uploaded to.

Google have announced that the Photo Upload plug-in can no longer access any folder or file that the plug-in has not created itself, including shared folders and shared drives. I’ve done my best to try and persuade the Google app verification team that accessing these folders is very useful to people uploading their photos to Google Drive, but Google have not been flexible on enforcing the new restrictions.

29 Jul 2022 – Uploading to Amazon Drive ending on 31 Jan 2023

Amazon have announced that they have deprecated Amazon Drive and are ending it on 31 Dec 2023 and preventing new files being uploading to it on 31 Jan 2023. This plug-in uses Amazon Drive to upload photos such that they can be viewed in Amazon Photos. On the date that Amazon prevents the plug-in uploading files to Amazon Drive this plug-in will no longer support uploading photos to Amazon. Unfortunately Amazon have not provided an alternative approach for apps such as this plug-in. The future approach for uploading photos to Amazon Photos after Jan 2023 is therefore going to be via the Amazon website or Amazon’s own apps.

6 Feb 2022 – Publishing and exporting hangs after one photo

With Lightroom 11.2, Adobe introduced a bug that causes publishing and exporting to hang after one upload. This has been reported here:

There seems to be one solution which involves clicking on a different collection when the publish/export first appears to hang. The second solution is simply to re-install Lightroom Classic 11.1 instead of 11.2.

Hopefully Adobe will fix this in the next update for Lightroom.

Update 12 Apr 2022 – Adobe report they have fixed (in Lightroom Classic 11.3) the hanging when publishing a collection.

18 Oct 2020 – Pinterest no longer authenticates

Photo Upload no longer authenticates with Pinterest and cannot currently be used to upload photos to Pinterest. It seems that Pinterest have disabled the API that the plug-in uses to communicate with Pinterest.

Photo Upload uses v1 of the API from Pinterest and has been an approved app by Pinterest since 2015 (it went through their approval process). Pinterest announced on their developer website sometime in early 2020 that there was a new v2 API available.

On 17 Apr 2020 the Photo Upload plug-in applied to use the v2 API.

On 5 Aug 2020 Pinterest sent me a notification that “the current version of the Pinterest Developer API will be deprecated in three months, on O‌ctober 3‌1, 2‌020.

Note: Deprecation does not mean “removed”, but I think in this instance Pinterest actually meant to use the word “disabled”. The word “deprecation” is used to announce that something will be removed in the future.

Pinterest asked that apps apply for the v2 API. I contacted Pinterest saying that the app had applied for the v2 API back in Apr.

On 31 Aug 2020 Pinterest sent me this reply: “Unfortunately, this is no ETA when the new apps will be approved as I have mentioned we are a very small team and currently experiencing a large backlog of applications. We’re working as fast as we can to review and get back to everyone and also we do not prioritize requests for any users as of now. I hope this clarifies.

On 18 Oct (or perhaps a few days earlier) Pinterest disabled the v1 API and the Photo Upload plug-in stopped working. Clearly this was before the 31 Oct date that they previously announced the API would be “deprecated” on.

I’ve emailed the developer support at Pinterest again and again over the past 6 months.

On 26 Oct I received the latest reply from them: “I can totally sense the trouble you’re experiencing on your end and I apologize for that. However, we’re bounded with limitations on our end. As I mentioned earlier, the requests for the app are getting reviewed by our internal team. I too agree that it has taken a longer time than expected. But please be assured as I’ve forwarded your feedback to our team. And, I’m sure they will look into your concern and get back to you at the earliest.

Unfortunately there is nothing more I can do to encourage Pinterest to grant Photo Upload access to the v2 API. Pinterest disabled the v1 API earlier than they said they would (was meant to be 31 Oct). The whole idea of a deprecation cycle is to give developers time to move to a new way of doing things (i.e. v1 to v2) but in this case they have not processed applications after 6 months! Hopefully you can see that I’m very frustrated by this, I actually haven’t worked with a less professional mainstream organization with the Photo Upload plug-in.

At this stage I’m waiting to hear from Pinterest about whether they will grant the plug-in access to the v2 API. But I’ve been waiting more than 6 months…

Update 17 Nov 2020 – Pinterest finally granted the Photo Upload plug-in access to their latest Pinterest API and the plug-in has been updated to support it.

6 Sep 2018 – Picasa Web retires on 15 Mar 2019

Google have announced that the Picasa Web interface used by the Photo Upload plug-in is retired on 15 Mar 2019. The plug-in stops working with Picasa Web at that time.

The Photo Upload plug-in now has the Google Photos service available to it (introduced in version 5.0.9 in Sep 2018), which uses the new Google Photos interface instead of the old Picasa Web interface.

The Google Photos support in the plug-in has been written from scratch and is quite different to that previously included for Picasa Web. You can purchase a license key for the Google Photos service in this plug-in from the usual places. Unfortunately, due to the time and effort needed to create the new Google Photos support in the plug-in, there is no free transfer or discount when moving from Picasa Web to Google Photos.

There are some differences between the new Google Photos interface and the old Picasa Web interface. Most notably you can now use the plug-in to create albums on Google Photos, but note that Google only allows you to upload photos to albums created by this plug-in (i.e. you cannot upload to albums that you already have on Google Photos).

20 Jul 2018 – Facebook prevents plug-in from being authorised

Facebook, in light of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, have prevented small businesses like this one from connecting to Facebook. The official date for this dropping of support was supposed to be 1 Aug 2018, but they seem to have taken action a little earlier.

Facebook have not responded to any requests for clarification on their policy for preventing small business access. Unfortunately at this time there is nothing else that can be said except that Facebook have prevented the plug-in from being authorised and therefore have prevented the uploading of photos using the plug-in.

This change of policy from Facebook is very much related to the inability to run Lightroom’s built in Facebook plug-in any longer. This is the warning message from Adobe that Lightroom now gives you for their Facebook plug-in:

15 Jun 2018 – 500px no longer supports plug-ins

500px have announced that as of this date they will no longer support plug-ins like Photo Upload to access their site. This is a decision made by 500px and not by the plug-in.

There is no alternative plug-in available for uploading to 500x from Lightroom.

If this decision affects you then please contact 500px directly and mention that you use or rely on the Photo Upload plug-in for Lightroom. I have also contacted 500px.

24 Apr 2018 – Facebook prevents plug-in from creating posts on user timelines

Facebook have announced that on 1 Aug 2018 they are removing the ability for third party applications to create posts on user timelines. Facebook are still allowing posts to be created for Facebook pages.

Specifically, Facebook have prevented applications from being granted a permission called “publish_actions” that allows posts to be created on user timelines.

Update 20 Jul 2018 – Refer to the news on Facebook dated 20 Jul 2018 above.

23 Jan 2018 – Picasa Web uploads fail (“500” error)

The Picasa Web API that 3rd party apps use to upload and manage photos for Google Photos is giving an error when uploading photos. The error from Google simply says “Internal error, try again later”.

Many other people and apps have reported the same errors, for example see this thread (which has nothing to do with this plug-in).

There are no indications from Google that this is either a planned outage or a planned change, so at this time I have to assume that Google will fix the problem sooner than later. I will keep an eye on the situation over the next day or so, but there is nothing else I can do at this time.

Please be aware that that 12 months ago Google made it clear that Picasa Web was being retired and no longer developed. Sadly, Google do not allow 3rd party plug-ins to upload directly to Google Photos (they can only upload to Picasa Web). My suggestion is that it is time to start looking at alternative photo sites if you want to upload directly from Lightroom.

Update 25 Jan 2018 – Google have now fixed the problem and Picasa Web uploads work again.

27 Feb 2017 – SmugMug no longer allows photos to be uploaded to “Private” galleries

SmugMug have prevented photos from being uploaded to galleries that have their visibility set as “Private”.

I don’t know their rationale why and I even asked them why in their support forum, but no reply – I’m not sure if SmugMug will fix this or if it is permanent.

You need to change the gallery visibility to “Public” or “Unlisted” then the upload should work.

Update 28 Jun 2017 – this is now fixed in plug-in version 4.5.7.

7 Feb 2017 – Picasa Web changes (e.g. albums cannot be created)

The Picasa Web API that 3rd party apps use to upload and manage photos for Google Photos has been updated by Google to prevent many update operations.

Google have now prevented the Picasa Web service from creating, renaming and deleting albums and from updating or deleting photos. If you are technically minded, please refer to this Google site for more information (see section titled “Mutation support removed”).

You can still upload photos using the latest version of the Photo Upload plug-in, and you can use the Google Photos website to create your albums before or after uploading to them from Lightroom.

Update 6 Sep 2018 – Google have released an official interface to Google Photos and this plug-in has been updated to support this interface. Please refer to the “Google Photos” service added to Photo Upload version 5.0.9. Google have announced that the old Picasa Web interfaces will be retired in Mar 2019.

Google Photos “shared albums”

Please note that Google does not tell the Picasa Web plug-in about any albums you initially create on Google Photos as “shared albums”. To work around this, please initially create albums on Google Photos as regular “albums” and then configure these to be shared albums afterwards.

7 Feb 2017 – Picasa Web uploads fail (“501” error)

The Picasa Web API that 3rd party apps use to upload and manage photos for Google Photos has been updated by Google to prevent many update operations. Older versions of the plug-in will display “501” errors from Google when trying to perform certain tasks like creating albums.

The Photo Upload plug-in has been updated with version 4.1.9 to handle these Google changes with “friendly” error messages. You should update your plug-in to 4.1.9 or later.

Please also refer to the note above on “Google Photos (Picasa Web) no longer allow albums to be created”.

Update 8 Feb 2017 – this is now fixed in Photo Upload version 4.1.9.

27 Jan 2017 – Picasa Web uploads fail (“400” error)

The Picasa Web API that 3rd party apps use to upload photos to Google Photos is reporting a “400” error with the message “Bad request”. This will affect all 3rd party apps that upload pictures using the Picasa Web API to Google Photos. There is a thread on the Google forums that is discussing the problem.

It is not known what causes the problem and when Google will fix the issue. I’d expect them to fix it quite quickly given the number of 3rd party apps that make use of uploading photos in this manner. I’ll track Google’s response – hopefully it will be quick and positive.

Update 28 Jan 2017 – this is now fixed in Photo Upload version 4.1.6. There has been no indication from Google what the problem is, but I’ve found an alternate way to upload the photos which appears to work well.

19 Apr 2016 – Facebook authentication fails

Facebook have mandated a few changes to authentication and old versions of the plug-in will receive a “URL blocked” message from Facebook when authenticating.

Update 19 Apr 2016 – this is now fixed in Photo Upload version 4.1.9.

16 Feb 2016 – Google announce changes to Picasa Web

Google recently announced that they will be making changes to the Picasa Web API that the Photo Upload for Picasa Web plug-in uses.

Google have been unclear about all the implications of these changes to applications such as the Photo Upload plug-in. However they have stated that changes to their API will not be made until 1 May 2016.

Google may keep the old Picasa Web API working, with some small changes or limitations. They may replace the API with a new alternative that the Photo Upload plug-in can use. Or they may do something else such as improve Google Drive integration for Google Photos, or remove third party API access to Google Photos entirely.

Google have noted that they will announce in March 2016 what the changes will be in detail, so until that time it is not possible to comment further on how Google’s plans will affect Photo Upload for Picasa Web.

Every effort will be made to ensure Photo Upload continues being able to upload your photos to Google Photos. When Google share more details of their plans then this news section will be updated with what this means for the Photo Upload plug-in. Until then, I’m afraid we have to be patient…

13 Nov 2015 – Lightroom hangs/freezes when closing

A few people have highlighted that Lightroom can hang/freeze when it is closing. Lightroom must then be force closed to make it quit properly. In some circumstances a window is shown during the hang that shows the Photo Upload plug-in is shutting down.

It appears that this is a problem with Lightroom, not with the Photo Upload plug-in. Please refer to this feedback page on the Lightroom forums:

The advice that seems to work fairly reliably is:

Reset the preferences (holding down SHIFT and ALT and starting Lightroom) and choose YES.

7 Oct 2015 – Zenfolio communication fails

During some scheduled maintenance on 6 or 7 Oct 2015 Zenfolio have changed the way security for internet communication is handled on their servers.

Update 7 Oct 2015 – this is now fixed in plug-in version 3.2.1.

31 Jul 2014 Old “Picasa Web Upload” plug-in replaced by “Photo Upload”

The old “Picasa Web Upload” plug-in originally launched in 2012 has been replaced by the “Photo Upload” plug-in which allows you to upload to Picasa Web and many other services.

The final version of the “Picasa Web Upload” plug-in is 1.5.8. If you have a version of the old Picasa Web Upload plug-in then please note that it is not possible to use it with Lightroom 7.0 or later. Instead please download the latest Photo Upload plug-in from this website. You can use your existing Picasa Web Upload plug-in license key with the Photo Upload plug-in’s Picasa Web service.

27 Jun 2014 – Flickr authentication fails

Flickr have changed the way authentication is handled on their servers.

Update 30 Jun 2014 – this is now fixed in plug-in version 1.7.9.


Updating the plug-in – always check you have the latest

If you think you have a problem, in particular if you think you’ve found a bug, then please make sure you have the latest version of the plug-in.

Use the Update button in the plug-in’s settings from Lightroom Plug-in Manager to check that you have the latest.

Update the plug-in from Lightroom Plug-in Manager

Downloaded plug-in from Adobe’s website and I have a ZXP file…

If you download the plug-in from Adobe’s Add-ons website then you will get a ZXP file. This type of file is intended to be opened by Adobe Creative Cloud (and Adobe Extension Manager.) If you don’t have Adobe Creative Cloud then you cannot do much with the ZXP file.

Adobe’s add-on installation process for Lightroom plug-ins is really quite complicated – and certainly convoluted.

My recommendation for a more straightforward install is to download the plug-in directly from this website. This will be a regular ZIP file rather than a proprietary Adobe ZXP file. And then simply follow the tried and tested installation instructions also on this website.

Lightroom reports “An error occurred while attempting to load this plug-in.

When using Lightroom Plug-in Manager to Add a new plug-in, you may get an error reporting “An error occurred while attempting load this plug-in.“. This error normally means the plug-in folder has not been extracted correctly from the downloaded Zip file.

Support - Plug-in Manager - Incorrect folder

Lightroom expects all plug-ins to have a folder extension of “.lrplugin” or “.lrdevplugin”. When you download a plug-in Zip file from this website, the top-level in the Zip file will be a folder ending in “.lrplugin”, e.g. “photoupload.lrplugin”. You must extract this folder itself, not just the files within it. Once you’ve extracted the plug-in folder from the Zip, you can move it around your computer (e.g. to your Documents folder) but you must not rename the plug-in folder.

Missing plug-in – The “nil” plug-in is not installed

Lightroom indicates that the plug-in is missing or shows the message “The “nil” plug-in is not installed” if it cannot find the plug-in folder on your computer that you used when you added the plug-in to Lightroom.

After using Lightroom’s Plug-in Manager to add the plug-in to Lightroom, you must not remove the plug-in folder. Lightroom needs to load the plug-in from this folder each time it starts.

If you get this message, please re-install the plug-in by following the installation instructions.

Authentication problem – Error authenticating with [service]

Support - Firewall

When trying to authenticate you may get an error such as this:

Photo Upload: Error authenticating with [service]
No authentication information returned from [service].

The common answer to this is that you are running a firewall (e.g. Little Snitch etc.) and have restrictions on the plug-in’s network access.

Consider whether you currently have network problems or are running a restrictive firewall.

Most firewalls identify this plug-in’s network access as coming from “curl” rather than “Lightroom”. Please make sure your firewall permits network access for the “curl” application.

You can use the “Test Connection” window to test whether your internet connection is working for the plug-in. You can find the “Test Connection” window within the “Configuration” window under the plug-in’s Setting section in Lightroom’s Plug-in Manager.

What is the Export Location used for?

Lightroom provides a setting for the plug-in called “Export Location”. This allows you to specify where Lightroom should create the copy of each photo that you are exporting. Lightroom creates a copy for each photo according to your edits and settings. For example, if you’ve cropped your photo and want to export it as a JPEG then this is what the copy will consist of.

I recommend leaving the “Export Location” setting as the default which is “Temporary folder”. This means that the copy of the exported photos will be removed once they have actually been exported.

Lightroom says my computer is out of disk space

Now that online storage is cheap or even free, people want to upload their entire photo collection.

Some people are finding out that when exporting a large number of photos and videos that Lightroom reports that their computer is out of disk space. This problem typically occurs more frequently on systems that have smaller hard disks, e.g. those with 256GB or less SSDs.

At the start of a publish/export process Lightroom starts creating copies of each photo that you are uploading according to the publish/export settings you have specified. Lightroom does this in parallel to the actual uploading being done by the plug-in and does not wait for the plug-in to request each photo copy. Lightroom does not allow the plug-in to dictate when the photo copies are made and when they are deleted.

The out of disk space problem occurs because Lightroom creates all the photo copies at the start of the upload and only deletes the copies when the plug-in has finished uploading the final photo. The photo copies are created in the computer’s temp folder (on a Windows machine this is usually on the same drive as the main Windows installation, e.g. drive C:). You will need enough space in your temp folder (and drive) to allow Lightroom to create publish\export copies of all the photos that you are uploading in one operation. The space used by Lightroom during the upload will be freed up once the upload has finished.

e.g. If each exported photo that is generated by Lightroom is 5MB in size, and you are exporting 1,000 photos then you will need 5GB of free space in the temp folder on your computer.

Note: Work arounds for this Lightroom problem are 1) use the plug-in’s “Generate exports one at a time” setting or 2) use the Configuration setting “Temporary folder for exported photos” to override where the temp folder is.

For reference, here is how you can find out where your system temporary folder is that Lightroom will be using for the temporary files during an export/publish:


  • Open Command Prompt
  • Type:
echo %temp%


  • Open Terminal
  • Type:
echo $TMPDIR

Location information not being uploading

Various online services (e.g. Google Photos) can make use of the photo location information in the photo’s metadata. If the location information is not being uploaded then check that you have enabled location information in Lightroom’s Export/Publishing Manager windows, i.e. you do not have “Remove Location Info” checked.

Old versions of Photo Upload for OneDrive (and the previous SkyDrive Upload) cannot be authenticated

Update your Photo Upload plug-in to a newer version (version 2.3.7 or later).

Microsoft appear to have changed something on their servers which requires an updated Photo Upload plug-in.

Use the Update button for the Photo Upload plug-in in Lightroom’s Plug-in Manager to get the latest version.

Note: If you are still using the old SkyDrive Upload plug-in then please take this opportunity to upgrade to the Photo Upload plug-in (your existing license key will still work).

WordPress self-hosted sites

The Photo Upload plug-in works with blogs hosted on and blogs that are self-hosted.

Authentication is always managed by, so you will need an account on even if you do not have a site hosted there.

  1. Create an account on (if you don’t have one already). This is free, you do not need to create a site on
  2. Install the Jetpack plug-in on your own self-hosted WordPress site (
  3. After the Jetpack plug-in is installed, connect it to your account (
  4. Log in to using your account and add your own self-hosted WordPress site (e.g. or personal domain) to your account
  5. In the Photo Upload plug-in in Lightroom, use the Add/Refresh button to authenticate the plug-in with any of the sites registered with your account

For self-hosted sites, you will need the Jetpack WordPress plug-in on your WordPress site. Ensure that you have version 3.1 or later of Jetpack installed. Version 3.0.2 of Jetpack had an error that prevented authentication. This Jetpack error was fixed in 3.1.

The plug-in cannot be authenticated with sites hosted locally at “localhost”. Authentication needs your WordPress site to be registered and accessible by WordPress does not allow such local sites to be registered.

WordPress blog site selection

WordPress allows you register multiple blogs with your account. You can select from your available sites using the drop down list in your Web brower when authenticating the plug-in with WordPress.

Photo Upload (WordPress) authentication with WordPress

WordPress authentication does not return an authentication code

Sometimes WordPress plug-ins can prevent the Lightroom plug-in from authenticating with your site. These plug-ins prevent you receiving an authentication from WordPress, i.e. the page with the authentication code does not open in your browser.

The problematic WordPress plug-ins tend to be security ones. There are known issues with these WordPress plug-ins, but other security plug-ins are likely to interfere with authentication too:

  • All In One WP Security
  • iThemes Security Pro

If you do not receive an authentication code in your browser please disable the security plug-ins and try the authentication again. You should be able to re-enable the plug-ins after the authentication has successfully taken place.

Plug-in not compatible with your version of Lightroom

E.g. “Lightroom Version is incompatible with this plugin“.

You have an old version of the plug-in.

If your plug-in has an Update button then use that to update to the latest version.

If your plug-in does not have an Update button or you are having problems using the Update feature then simply download a new version from this website and manually replace your existing plug-in.

If you have the old Picasa Web Upload plug-in then please download the Photo Upload plug-in which now replaces it. Your old Picasa Web Upload license key will work with the new Photo Upload plug-in (for the Picasa Web service).

If you have the old SkyDrive Upload plug-in then please download the Photo Upload plug-in which now replaces it. Your old SkyDrive Upload license key will work with the new Photo Upload plug-in (for the OneDrive service).

If you have the old Tree Mirror Export plug-in then please download the Photo Upload plug-in which now replaces it. Use the Tree Mirror service in the new Photo Upload plug-in.

Lightroom’s Plug-in Manager’s “Remove” button is disabled

It depends where you installed the plug-in as to whether you can use the “Remove” button to remove the plug-in from Lightroom. It is greyed out if you installed to the following locations:

On Windows, either



\Program Files\Adobe\Lightroom 5.x\Modules

On Mac,

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules

To remove the plug-in from these locations you have to manually remove the plug-in folder from the appropriate path.

To avoid this potential problem, I recommend installing the plug-in to:

On Windows,

\Documents\Lightroom plug-ins

On Mac,


Unreceived license key

If you purchase a license for the full version of the plug-in you will be sent 2 emails. One email will contain your order number and the second email will contain your license key. These emails will be sent to you immediately and automatically by the FastSpring payment service.

The license key email should be sent immediately – but on a few occasions it has taken 6 hours before it has been received.

If you think you should have received an email but have not received it then please first check your email junk or spam folders. The license keys and order receipts are sent by FastSpring – so it may help to search your junk/spam email folders for the name “FastSpring” or “”.

When a license key email has not been received there are typically two reasons:

  1. A private\corporate email domain is not processing the email correctly (sometimes the license key emails are identified as junk\spam). The most reliable email addresses tend to be from mainstream domains such or
  2. An incorrect email address being entered during the order.

If you think either of the above apply then please contact FastSpring ( with your order number.

Unreceived license key (purchased from the Adobe Add-ons website)

If the above tips for finding your license key have not helped, AND you bought the plug-in from the Adobe website (i.e. not via the plug-in or this website) then you will need to contact Adobe for further assistance.

Please note that, as the plug-in developer and not an Adobe employee, I cannot access the payment and licensing systems used by Adobe. Therefore if you have purchased your license key from the Adobe Add-ons website you will need to contact them regarding any unreceived license keys.

Here’s a thread on the Adobe forums that gives the email address to contact that another customer was given.

Lost my license key

If you’ve bought your license from this website and lost your license key then please use the email address on the Contact page to get in touch. Please provide the reference number for your original purchase or the email address that you originally used.

Lost license keys purchased from the Adobe Add-ons website

If you’ve bought the license from the Adobe Add-ons website then you will need to contact them to have your license key sent out again.

Plug-in says the license key is invalid

When copying and pasting your license key from your license email into the plug-in, take care that the key is copied as one long list of characters.

Your email system may insert line breaks or spaces into the email, so please be sure that any such line breaks, spaces or other formatting from the email message are not pasted into the plug-in’s license text box.

If your license key is still reported as being invalid after copying and pasting it then please check you have specified the License service correctly in the license key entry window. e.g. If you have purchased a license for Dropbox then please make sure Dropbox is the selected License service in the window.

Support - License Key

A common mistake is trying to enter a Google Drive license key for Google Photos. Please be careful when purchasing licenses and entering the license keys that you have selected Google Drive or Google Photos correctly.

Can I rename the plug-in folder?

The plug-in folder should be named with a “lrplugin” or “lrdevplugin” extension. For example:




On Mac, if you open (i.e. extract) the downloaded Zip file a second time you will get a folder with the suffix “2”. Lightroom will not be able to read the plug-in from such a named folder. Before opening the Zip file consider removing an existing plug-in folder.

The following will give an error as the folder extension “.lrplugin 2” is not “.lrplugin” as Lightroom expects:

photoupload.lrplugin 2

If you really need two versions of the plug-in on your computer, I recommend having two separate parent folders and keeping the plug-in folder name the same, i.e.:


\Documents\Lightroom plug-ins\picasawebupload.lrplugin \Documents\Lightroom plug-ins\V2\picasawebupload.lrplugin


/Documents/Lightroom plug-ins/picasawebupload.lrplugin /Documents/Lightroom plug-ins/V2/picasawebupload.lrplugin

Google’s Picasa Web photo size constraints

The Picasa Web plug-in uses Google’s Picasa Web interface to upload photos to Picasa Web and Google Photos.

The Picasa Web interface has a restriction of a maximum photo size of 2048 x 2048 pixels if photos are not to be counted towards your allowance.

Please note that Google currently only provides “unlimited high quality photos” via its own mobile apps and website. Google does not allow any third party applications such as the Photo Upload plug-in to use those constraints.

However, once your photos have been uploaded to Picasa Web or Google Photos, you can then follow these instructions to recover the storage space:

Google Photos - Recover Storage

Create multiple publish services

If you want to use the Photo Upload plug-in with multiple services (e.g. Picasa Web and Google Drive) then you create additional publish services by right clicking on an additional publish service and choosing “Create new publish service…”. You can then choose a new upload service, account and settings for this additional publish service.

Checking the version of your plug-in

You may need to check which version of a plug-in you are using. You can do this from Lightroom’s Plug-in Manager.

Select the plug-in on the left (e.g. Photo Upload).

The plug-in version number is displayed on the right in both the plug-ins Settings and Status panes (in the example below the version is 1.5.5).

Support - Plug-in Manager

Removing a plug-in

Sometimes you may need to remove your plug-in, perhaps to replace it with a newer version.

Lightroom’s Plug-in Manager allows you to unregister a plug-in from Lightroom using the “Remove” button, but in most cases I recommend actually deleting the plug-in folder from your system. This is particularly important if you are upgrading the plug-in with a new version – always delete the old plug-in folder first so that there is no doubt which version of the plug-in Lightroom will be using.

You can find the installation folder of your plug-in from Lightroom’s Plug-in Manager.

Support - Plug-in Manager - Install folder

To remove the plug-in simply identify the install folder (highlighted in the above Plug-in Manager screenshot). You can then delete it using either Windows Explorer or Mac’s Finder.

You can use Lightroom’s Plug-in Manager’s “Show in Explorer” or “Show in Finder” buttons to go straight to the folder, making it easy to find the plug-in folder on your system.

Saving your log file

In order to try and help identify a problem, I may ask you to send me a plug-in log file from your machine. If I request this, please follow the instructions below:

1. Do the activity that doesn’t appear to be working, e.g. try uploading a photo. This is important so that the problematic behaviour is recorded in the log file.

2. Save your plug-in’s log file. From the “Plug-in Manager” window in Lightroom, select the “Save log” option from the plug-in’s settings section of the window.

3. Email the log file to me. Attach the log file from the place where you saved it into an email and send it to me.


1,541 responses to “Support”

  1. John Curry Avatar

    Love PHOTO UPLOAD. I rely on it heavily, for many clouds. NOW, the Google Drive version has an issue for me. It creates extra folders on Google Drive. It does it in various ways. It just happened now — I created one folder in Publish Services under Google. When I published, it created 8 folders on Google, putting the photos in just one of them. Yesterday, it had extra-folder problems when I tried to use a Collection Set in Google with Collection folders within it.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Thanks for the message – you found a bug! Now fixed in v5.9.5. Thanks for reporting it and confirming it is now corrected.

  2. Holger Peters Avatar
    Holger Peters

    Yesterday I bought the Google Fotos Plugin and testet it with a little folder. Because the photos were uploaded without the image editings (my fault) I deleted the folder and accepted the “delete on service” option. Unfortunately, the photos were not deleted of google photos. I have tested it a few more times, but they stay at google photos.

    Another bug is, that lightroom classic told me, that 4 pictures have to republished cause of failing.. after I did that, they were double in google photos. Shouldn’t this be avoided by the plugin?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Google puts some restrictions on what plug-ins can do with photos. You can see notes here:
      But basically, Google do not allow the plug-in to delete/update photos.

  3. Holger Peters Avatar
    Holger Peters

    Hello. I want to buy the smugmug plugin, so I tried the free version to test and have a question regarding publishing/exporting.

    I have some top folders and in there some subfolders like “2012-nameofthecity”. Most of these sub folders have only dngs, so that i can choose the jpg 100% option and this works fine. But some subfolders have dngs and jpgs (there was a time in the past when i switched several times).

    Is there any chance to publish or export the subfolder so that dngs are changed to jpgs and the “original” jpgs are untouched and are just uploaded as they are? What will lightroom/the plugin do to the jpgs if I choose “jpg 100%” for them? Are they compressed even more?

    1. Holger Peters Avatar
      Holger Peters

      I have tested some ideas and the only way, i was getting what I want was to setup two publishing services with two different settings (one with original for the jpgs and one with jpg100% for the dngs). Its a bit complicated and you have to create the smart gallery (and publish) before using the second one (so it is recognized by the plugin), but it worked.

      Still, if there is any other, easier way to get this setup up, please tell me 🙂

  4. Larry Avatar

    I’ve been using the Lightroom Photo Upload plug-in for years and has always worked well. I’m uploading a bunch of photos including video files to OneDrive. None of the video files are uploading and no error is being reported. Selecting each video and exporting them one at a time seems to work though.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi Larry,
      I’m afraid you found a bug – now fixed in version 5.9.3.
      Thanks for reporting the problem and confirming the fix works.

  5. Graeme Avatar

    Can you help with this?

    I’m trying to republish to Google Photos now, getting error
    5.8.5: Error uploading to Google Photos
    Parent folder for new album does not exist on Google Photos

  6. Romain Jauniaux Avatar
    Romain Jauniaux

    Hello !

    Thank you for your very useful plugin.

    I only have one problem and I would really appreciate your help to solve it as it is quite disabling. When I republish a photo that has already been exported to a Google Photo gallery, the new photo does not replace the previous one, it is added at the end of the gallery in addition to the first version of the photo.
    I couldn’t find the option to overwrite a photo on re-export, is this possible?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi Romain,
      Unfortunately Google Photos does not only allow plug-ins to update the full photo.

  7. Graeme Avatar

    Using the trial to upload to Google Photos before buying. When publishing it doesn’t allow me to choose an album – it just creates a new, untitled album If I rename the album to something else, it creates a new one on the next publish.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      That’s correct, if you are using publishing – it creates an album with the name of the published collection in Lightroom.
      If you want to upload photos to an album (created by the plug-in – Google doesn’t allow the plug-in to upload to albums created by other apps) then use the export feature in Lightroom.

      1. Graeme Avatar

        Makes sense… I didn’t bother to name the new publish service for a quick test, so the album on GPhotos was ‘Untitled’. I’ve since created collections with titles and they name the albums to match.

  8. Wade Tregaskis Avatar
    Wade Tregaskis

    Feature request: a field in the settings to remove keywords (similar to the existing field for adding keywords). I have a few keywords I use for organisation (e.g. “Reviewed”) which are meaningless to the world at large (e.g. on Flickr).

    Ideally this would also prevent photos’ publish status from changing when I add or remove these ‘ignored’ keywords, though I suspect that’s not under the plug-in’s control…?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      There’s now a new setting (v5.8.9) where you can supply a list of keywords to remove from the uploaded photos:
      As you say, the plug-in doesn’t control the published status – that is set by Lightroom.

  9. Pedro Ferrer Avatar
    Pedro Ferrer

    Hello, I am using Tree Mirror via Photo Upload. When I export photos it uploads them twice:
    – one copy in created folders using full hierarchy
    – another copy in the main folder.
    So, after exporting I have to delete manually all pics in the main folder.
    Is there anything I am doing wrong?

    1. Rob J Avatar


      My guess is that one of your copies is because you didn’t set the export folder in Lightroom’s export settings as “temporary”.
      See this FAQ:


  10. Phillip Pasteris Avatar
    Phillip Pasteris

    Hi Rob – Two Thoughts…
    1. Will you consider a Shutterfly Upload module? The Shutterfly-Google Photos interface needs help.
    2. I have a ton of collections in the YYYY-MM-DD format. I would like to move all the same YYYY collections into am master YYYY to simplify scrolling. I think this can be done now, but not sure of the steps.
    Thank you,

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi Phil,
      1. Sorry, Shutterfly stopped plug-ins using their API to upload photos many years ago.
      2. The plug-in’s I’ve made don’t actually move photos between collections, sorry.

      1. Phillip Pasteris Avatar
        Phillip Pasteris

        1. Yep. Figured that was the case. It was interesting that SF did a batch migration of all Google albums, but they only support a file by file upload. The process is incredibly slow, reloading dozens and dozens of Google albums. I have sent them a note asking them to make the batch album migration available. I have my doubts they will
        2. Your collections are really handy, and unfortunately I have probably 48 or more collections for a specific year. I found out the hard way that it might have been better to create a YYYY master collection set and then sub-collections. Is that possible from here forward?

      2. Phillip Pasteris Avatar
        Phillip Pasteris

        For item 2, you have the solution in your software. Here it is.
        – Create a collection named 2023 or whatever. It will be at the top.
        – Click on that folder and then create another collection and it will create a sub-folder under 2023. You can expand/condense the folders as needed. No problem.
        – I will experiment to sub-group other folders.
        Thank you!

  11. Mark S Avatar
    Mark S

    I am considering this plug in with Google drive. I have successfully used it to publish items to my google drive Happy with the ease of use in this plug-in


    When I purchase the full license will I be asked to enter the key every time I want to create a new folder in my Lightroom Collection?

    When I update images or remove images in my collection my collection, will it replace and/or remove the image from google drive. Is this feature only available when you purchase the full licence key?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      When you purchase a license key, you will only need to enter the license key once into the plug-in.
      When you press the Publish button in Lightroom, any changes to your collection will be synced to Google Drive. So if you delete photos from your collection in Lightroom and press Publish… then the photos will be deleted from Google Drive too.
      BTW – just fixed a bug that was preventing updating of existing files on Google Drive. Fixed in v5.8.


  12. Russ Ronchi Avatar
    Russ Ronchi

    Hello, getting this error when trying to add a Dropbox service. I paid for the full version.

    No authentication information returned from Dropbox.

    Dropbox error: ‘HTTP/2 400, Error = invalid_grant, Description = code doesn’t exist or has expired’

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Sorry about that problem – should now be fixed.

  13. Bob Carlson Avatar
    Bob Carlson

    I got an email today from Amazon saying that Amazon Drive is going away. How will we upload photos to Amazon Photos with Drive ultimately going away?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi Bob,
      I created a short note on this topic here:
      Sadly I see no way a plug-in can upload from Lightroom to Amazon after Jan 2023.

  14. Jerry Hylan Avatar

    Since switching to a Mac M1 Mini, it seems that the plugin to upload to Zenfolio sucks up all available memory and then hangs. At this point, I need to force quit LR, and then maybe it will upload the gallery as intended.

    Is this a know issue and/or is there anything I need to do on my side to avoid this.


    1. Rob J Avatar

      I think I answered this one recently.
      Adobe seem to be having difficulties with the Mac M1 version of Lightroom Classic – these have been documented ever since the M1 version was released.
      There’s an active thread here:
      On page 5 of the thread there is one customer who says Lightroom Classic is using 98GB RAM. However they have stated that turning off the Lightroom Classic setting “Use GPU for image processing” has improved matters for them – maybe this will also work for you.
      Hopefully Adobe will improve the running on M1 processors soon.

  15. Hergen Avatar

    I’m getting a “the ‘nil’ plug-in is not installed or functioning properly” error.

  16. Lexa Ikon Avatar
    Lexa Ikon


    I’m using the current version of “photo upload” on a M1 Mac with Lightroom Classic 11.3.1.

    As soon as I start a tree mirror export, the memory usage explodes until all system resources are used up (in my case >60 GB of “RAM”).

    There must be some kind of memory leak.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      I’m sure you’re right – but to be clear the memory leak is somewhere in Lightroom Classic, not the plug-in. Adobe seem to be having difficulties with the Mac M1 version of Lightroom Classic – these have been documented ever since the M1 version was released.
      There’s an active thread here:
      On page 5 of the thread there is one customer who says Lightroom Classic is using 98GB RAM. However they have stated that turning off the Lightroom Classic setting “Use GPU for image processing” has improved matters for them.
      Hopefully Adobe will improve the running on M1 processors soon.

  17. Dave S Avatar
    Dave S


    I haven’t used photo upload for a few weeks, but it has been working fine up to now. I am on Lightroom Classic release 11.2 and PhotoUpload (Google Photos) 5.6.9 and have confirmed that there aren’t any updates.

    The issue I am having is that when I click Publish, one photo is uploaded straight away and then it hangs. I have waited over an hour and no further photos are uploaded. If I cancel the upload and click Publish again, nothing happens. I have to close lightroom and reopen it, but then I can only upload one more photo before it hangs again. So far I have managed 4 photos in about 2 hours.

    Lightroom isn’t happy after I cancel upload, initially it was trying to do a library backup when I closed lightroom, but that just hung as well after I’d tried an upload. I reopened LR then did a backup without doing an upload first and it worked fine.

    I have address lookup and face recognition paused and I have tried pausing Saving XMP, but makes no difference.

    Please can you advise?



    1. Rob J Avatar

      This sounds like the same problem with Lightroom (not the Photo Upload plug-in) that has been reported to Adobe here:
      Try the first solution of clicking on another collection when the export/publish appears to hang.
      Or you could re-install Lightroom Classic 11.1 instead of 11.2 to fix the problem.

  18. gotack Avatar

    I get an internal error when I try to use Custom Text in Flickr(photoupload.5.6.5).
    Upload.lua:1174: attempt to call global ‘photoMetadataTextCustom’ (a nil value)

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Ah, you found a bug. Should now be fixed (version 5.6.6). Thanks for letting me know.

  19. James Brantley Avatar

    Hi! Wondering if there is a known issue with Virtual Copies being uploaded to Zenfolio? I have a few virtual copies with different edits/filters applied, and only 1 of the images uploads to the Zenfolio Gallery.

  20. Phil Pasteris Avatar
    Phil Pasteris

    Hi Rob,
    When you upload to Google Photos, I believe that your plug-in is exporting the images somewhere because it takes a while for the process to start when you have several dozen photos. Here are a couple of questions. I ask this because I have twin 8tb drives with tons of space, but only a .5tb SSD (C:) for all my programs and other applications. I don’t want to fill the C: drive if I can avoid it.
    1. Where are these files stored?
    2. Are they deleted when the upload is complete?
    3. Do we have any control over where they are stored?
    Thank you!

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi Phil,
      All export/publish plug-ins for Lightroom fit into a framework provided by Lightroom itself. It is Lightroom that is creating a copy of your images prior to export – it does this so that it creates an image that applies all the export settings that you have specified, e.g. size reductions, watermarks etc.
      1. Lightroom appears to currently store these images for export in the Windows temp folder (wherever that is specified on your machine).
      2. After the last image has been once exported Lightroom will then delete all these temp images.
      3. You can tell the plug-in to override some of the settings that Lightroom uses – see Temporary folder for exported photos in the Configuration window:

  21. Steffen Rikenberg Avatar


    Photoupload FTP
    Thanks for a great product! Helped me for many years!

    It seems it doesn’t work with the new Lightroom 10.4 with M1 processor. Any updates coming?

    Steffen, Oslo

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi Steffen,
      An updated version of the plug-in that works with Lightroom 10.4 was released yesterday.

  22. Phil Avatar


    What file size / image dimensions does the plugin upload to Google Drive?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Google Drive allows uploads of 5TB. The plug-in uses Lightroom’s export/publish settings where you can specify the size of the images you want to upload. Other than checking the size does not exceed 5TB, the plug-in makes no restrictions on the file size.

  23. Dick Kruse Avatar
    Dick Kruse

    When uploading a large number of photos to Google Photos, I frequently get a message saying that a file could not be opened. When I then cancel Lightroom, I see the message “Unable to upload – rendered photo not found in temp folder”, followed by a list of photos. Is there a fix for this issue? Thanks!

  24. Coco Berryessa Avatar
    Coco Berryessa

    Hi, I had to update the plugin in order to work with the updated lightroom classic 10.1.1. Afterwards, I got the following errors when trying to connect to box.

    Error: redirect_uri_missing

    I’m guessing there’s a bug here preventing the auth code. Please advise. Thank you!

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi, Yep – you found a bug. Box must have changed something regarding their app authentication. The plug-in has now been updated, so please update to v5.5.9 and try again. Thanks!

  25. Stan Rowin Avatar

    Problems with Photo Upload: Lightroom now has a documented bug, where it needs automation privacy permission in Catalina, and it doesn’t ask for it. I seem to have that problem. And although I didn’t have this problem before, Photo Upload 5.5.8 now has 3 issues for me. It doesn’t reach Amazon to find the folders to upload to. And when I change the top menu in the plug-in, which defaults to “Google,” to “Amazon,” the lower menus don’t change. The account pulldown is grayed out to “unknown,” and the “Sign In to Google” doesn’t change to Amazon.
    Any ideas, other than it might me related to this:
    Thanks again!

    1. Stan Rowin Avatar
      Stan Rowin

      I forgot to mention, that I reinstalled LR Classic 10.1.1, reset the prefs twice, and reinstalled the plug in before I contacted you.

    2. Stan Rowin Avatar
      Stan Rowin

      OK, I figured it out, sorry. Plug in works again. It was related to the plug-in not getting permission to gat online. Sorry to have bothered you. I think I’m all set! Feel free to delete the thread.
      Thanks again!

  26. Steve Gilbert Avatar
    Steve Gilbert

    Hi, I recently upgraded Lightroom to release 10.1.1 & Photo Upload to v 5.5.8 but I’m now having an issue trying to upload files to Onedrive. It all worked OK in the previous versions but now, when I press “Publish” I get a pop-up from Photo Upload: “OneDrive Error HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request, Error=Bad Request, Message=Property folder in payload has a value that does not match schema”
    Can you help please?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Please use the plug-in’s Update button to force an update to v5.5.8 again. There was a problem with the initial release which is now fixed.

  27. Chen Wai Kiat Avatar
    Chen Wai Kiat

    Hi, is the license for google drive photo upload plugin, a one time payment or yearly subs?

    and it is one license key is only for 1pc?or i can use 1 license key for multiple pc

  28. Hugo Avatar

    Hi, All was finew till a few days ago, I cannot upload to Pinterest anymore. It says: Photo Upload 5.5.2: error authenticating with Pinterest. no account name returned from Pinterest.
    Pinterest error: HTTP/2 401, authorization failed.
    Dont know what to do, I have been using your plug-in for a long time.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi. Something has changed at Pinterest. I’ve dropped them a message and will let you know what they say.
      Thanks for letting me know.

        1. Rob J Avatar

          Pinterest have finally come back about access to their new API (I first got in touch with them in Apr 2020). The plug-in has been updated with access to the new Pinterest API, so if you want to use the plug-in with Pinterest, please update to 5.5.4 or later.

  29. Robin Avatar

    I can use the plugin to Lightroom now (just installed), to export photos from Lightroom to Amazon drive.
    How do I Import photos from amazon drive to Lightroom?
    Thank you for your attention.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hopefully this link will show you how to export photos to Amazon Drive:
      Regarding importing photos from Amazon Drive to Lightroom – the plug-in does not allow you to do that. It simply allows you to upload/export/publish from Lightroom to Amazon Drive.

  30. Wade Tregaskis Avatar
    Wade Tregaskis

    Video uploads tend to fail with the message “HTTP/1.1 200 OK, 106 – Video “1234876454565” still processing”.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      I didn’t officially reply to this one about Flickr video uploads. Problem fixed in the latest plug-in.
      Flickr had changed the way videos are uploaded and wouldn’t allow the plug-in to set the video’s privacy level until Flickr had finished processing the video – which could be seconds or many minutes. Anyhow, there was a way to set the privacy level at the same time as uploading the video, so the plug-in now does that.

  31. Wade Tregaskis Avatar
    Wade Tregaskis

    Is there a way to outright remove photos from a published collection – without the plug-in trying to remove them from the destination service as well?

    I deleted a lot of photos off of Flickr, through Flickr, and don’t want the plug-in uploading them again.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      If you use Lightroom’s “Remove from collection” option for a photo, the plug-in will try and remove the photo from Flickr the next time you press Publish. If the plug-in can’t find the photo on Flickr then it should report this but still tell Lightroom that the photo was removed successfully.
      Does that do what you want?

  32. Donald Russell Avatar
    Donald Russell

    Base folder for exporting/publishing will not reset to new folder. It appears to reset but when file is published it doesn’t us the new location and when checked again it has reverted to the original.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi. Hopefully this was fixed in v5.5. Can you update to the latest and let me know how you get on?

  33. Phil Pasteris Avatar
    Phil Pasteris

    Any problems uploading to Google Photos Albums with their latest upgrade? The plugin completes, but the photos aren’t there. Even with a search…. I am not surprised. I am running 5.4.8.
    Thank you,

  34. Kevin Cleaver Avatar

    Trying to authenticate from lightroom to Pinterest and get this “Photo Upload 5.4.7: Error retrieving account name from Pinterest” It also says that I have exceeded a rate limit.
    Any help appreciated

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi. This is seemingly a problem at Pinterest. I’ve reported it to them and after a few emails back and forward Pinterest have confirmed that they are also seeing the problem with the Pinterest API and will work to find a solution. They said they’d keep me informed. For me the problem seems intermittent, over the past 2 days it has mostly been working, but periodically I do see the rate limit message.

      1. Rob J Avatar

        Hi. The Pinterest team replied to me to say that the problem with the Pinterest API has now been resolved. If you see any rate limit issues with the plug-in again, please let me know and I’ll get back in touch with Pinterest. Thanks, Rob.

  35. Steve Tilbury Avatar
    Steve Tilbury

    Hi, I am keen to use the Lightroom plugin to upload collections to Amazon Drive, but for the life of me, I cannot see how to then get those photos (folder) ready to convert for use in the Amazon Photos section. Any clues gratefully received.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      There is a guide here:
      The first step is to use Lightroom’s Library module to find the photos you want to export. Then select them all, and follow the instructions in the guide.

      1. Steve Tilbury Avatar
        Steve Tilbury

        Cheers Rob, I cracked it in the end. Amazon Photos had rather quietly tucked the three little periods to the side which wasn’t obvious to the untrained eye that that was where the “create an album from a drive folder” function was. Everything working as it ought to now!

  36. Gerrit Avatar

    I am using Tree Mirror and in my smart collection, there are many photos that should be published but they are not published on my drive. I would mark this photos to be published again, but i have no chance to identify this photos (e. g. one job has >15.000 photos). I know, that i could mark every photo to be published again, but in total there are over 32.000 photos and that would last forever.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

    1. Rob J Avatar

      I sent you an email with this information:
      “You can display a column in Lightroom using the Library Filter section at the top of the screen that shows whether a photo has been published or exported. Then you can see which ones have a Yes or No and select just the Yes ones to publish/export.”

  37. Aimee Avatar

    Hi there! I’m using this plug in from Lightroom to Amazon Photos, all is working well except I noticed today that it’s compressing my video uploads. I’ve narrowed it down to this plug in (not Amazon) and it’s not on photos as far as I can tell. Please help!

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Please check your export/publish settings. The plug-in does not do any compression – it merely uploads what Lightroom gives it. So check your Lightroom export/publish Video settings, and the Format and Quality settings.

  38. Al Avatar

    Lightroom Pinterest plugin stopped uploading files. Get a message something like ” The requested URL was not found on the server…”, then gives a list of the file names. The plugin therefore is no longer usable. I tried updating it. Removed it and reinstalled it. Tried moving the export location.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Hi. You found a bug when the plug-in was trying to delete existing photos from Pinterest. This is now fixed in v5.4.6 and you’ve confirmed it works. Thanks for your help! Rob

  39. NLPCube Avatar

    I have just purchased the Google photo plugin (piscas).
    In the existing photos and videos dropdown.
    I have no listing for a photo to be updated.
    This is the main reason i want to use your plugin.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Unfortunately Google does not allow 3rd party apps like this plug-in to update or delete existing photos on Google Photos.

  40. Lee Marden Avatar
    Lee Marden

    I just bought a Google Photos license, and created multiple Google Photo Albums using multiple LR Publish Collections. If a photo exists in multiple LR collections, it appears that the same photo gets uploaded multiple times. I end up with 2, 3, 4 or more copies of the same photo. In the LR Plug-in Settings I only seem to have two options under “Existing photos and videos”: “Do not check” and “Always Skip”. Both of these options appear to create duplicate file uploads. The FAQ says there should be an option “if match, update”, but I don’t have that option. How do I get an option to simply update the existing photo and not upload duplicates?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Unfortunately Google does not allow 3rd party apps like this plug-in to update or delete existing photos on Google Photos.

  41. Eric Avatar

    Query: I’m thinking about buying the plug-in to use with Google Photos but I’m unclear on what metadata will be carried with the photos.

    Here’s what I care about:
    * Create and/or modify date (I care because GP foolishly relies on these to order albums)
    * What Lr calls keywords – some form of tags (to aid in searching)
    * Title and/or caption – ‘cause it is nice to have

    Do these come over?
    I didn’t notice in either the FAQ or Features whether you have a list of the full metadata that comes over.

    1. Rob J Avatar

      The plug-in uploads the photos that Lightroom generates according to your export and publish settings. You can control in Lightroom what metadata the photo has, you can even strip all the metadata. By default Lightroom includes the capture date in exported photos.
      Google Photos unfortunately does not allow key words to be uploaded as tags or keywords. However you can add the keywords into the description/summary of an exported photo. This at least allows you to search on the keywords.
      You can choose what fields to include in the Google Photo description/summary. E.g. Lightroom’s caption, title, keywords etc.

  42. J. Riley Stewart Avatar

    Instructions for the FTP plugin are non-existent. The settings dropdowns don’t match the instructions. Under General settings “Existing photos and videos” — options limited to Always Skip — Always Delete — Delete everything in Album — Do Not Check. What about an Update Only function as described in Help Guide. The FTP plug is missing lots of options for processing ftp transfers that most of the other plugins apparently have. Is there an updated, complete FTP Plugin somewhere?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Regarding “Update only”. Some, but not all, photo services allow a plug-in to upload a new photo while maintaining any existing comments, tags or sharing information (e.g. Flickr). FTP servers do not have such a concept as comments against files so this “Update only” option is not applicable. For your purposes I’d imagine that “Always Delete” would do what you’d want, i.e. delete an existing photo from your FTP server before uploading it again.
      Which other options are you referring to as being missing from the FTP plug-in – there’s likely to be a good reason for any disparity.

  43. Kristi Avatar

    Since I started using the newer version of the plugin, it does not retrieve all of my albums from google photos. When I want to create a new collection to upload and put it into an existing album it says it is “retrieving” and will show 2/102 albums, but only fetch those two for some reason and not show the others, so I cannot upload into them, I have to create a new one. Any suggestions? (It’s interesting, because with the last version of the plugin I was only able to upload into existing albums, I was never able to make a new one. Now it is is the opposite!) Thanks!

    1. Rob J Avatar

      The latest Google Photos plug-in allows you to upload photos to any album created by the plug-in. Google does not allow plug-ins to upload to albums that were not created by the plug-in. This is a Google restriction and if Google remove it in the future then the plug-in will be updated. Yes, you are correct, this behaviour is different to the old Picasa Web plug-in.

  44. Jose R. Avatar
    Jose R.

    The Photo Upload to FTP Site has an option to connect securely using SSL/TLS. By selecting this option will my connection be using FTP over SSL? If not, then what type of connection is used here that ensures my username and password are securely transmitted.


    1. Rob J Avatar

      When use use option for SSL/TLS, the plug-in tries to use SSL/TLS for the connection. It will revert to a non-secure connection if the FTP server doesn’t support SSL/TLS.

  45. James Brantley Avatar
    James Brantley

    When uploading to Zenfolio with ver. 5.4, I am getting an error that the file size is over Zenfolio’s limit of 64MB. While a couple of the original RAW files are over this limit, the jpg files being uploaded are well below the limit.

  46. Wade Tregaskis Avatar
    Wade Tregaskis

    When you ‘Edit collection…’ on an existing album, where Flickr is the target, it no longer names the set on Flickr that it’s syncing to – instead it states something like “table: 0x6000f410f1c0”.

  47. Wade Tregaskis Avatar
    Wade Tregaskis

    Flickr upload is broken – the plugin _thinks_ the uploads are failing, but they’re not – though it then fails to set some metadata correctly, like what album they belong in. Crucially, the plugin also then fails to associate the photo on Flickr with the copy in Lightroom’s catalog, so it uploads duplicates every time it’s run again.

    It claims the uploads fail with the error message “Flickr error: ‘HTTP/1.1 200 OK, 5 – Photo limit reached’ (264)”.

  48. James McGhie Avatar
    James McGhie

    In Lightroom, Publish Services,Photo Upload, I have created a ‘Collection Set’ – Year 2019 Photos. Under this Collection Set, I have placed a ‘Collection’ – Buildings.
    I know I can directly upload to a Collection. However, how do you up load photos to a ‘Collection’ which are embedded in ‘Collection Set’?

  49. Fabian Avatar


    I can’t get the function „Base folder for exporting/publishing” to work. I am using OneDrive for Business and the upload “\OneDrive\root” works, however, when I tick the Base folder option and choose a folder from the drop down below, Photo Upload ignores the setting. I already tried multiple folders on different sub-folder levels but whenever I come back to the settings window, this setting is back to “\OneDrive\root” again.
    Is there any hidden “save setting” button that I am missing?

    Thank you!

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Looks like you found a bug! This should now be fixed in v5.3.9.
      Thanks for letting me know.

  50. Tod M Avatar
    Tod M

    I have a Zenfolio License but no longer use Zenfolio. Can I transfer the license to Google Photos?

    1. Rob J Avatar

      Unfortunately not, sorry. Transferring licenses between services is not permitted.

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